Los 3416
AUSTRIA. Kaisertum Österreich-Ungarn. Franz Josef I, 1848-1916. Medal 1873 (Bronze, 70 mm, 147.10 g, 12 h), on the World Exhibition in Vienna 1873; to the Progress. By C. Tautenhayn,, Wien (Vienna). FRANZ JOSEPH I., KAISER OESTERREICH, KOENIG VON BOEHMEN ETC., APOST. KOENIG VON UNGARN.✱ Laureate bust of Joseph I to right. Rev. DEM FORTSCHRITTE / WELTAUSSTELLUNG 1872 / ✱WIEN✱ Female allegory of Austria enthroned, her right supported on shield, instructing a winged genius to place the laurel wreath in his right hand on the head of the female allegory of Industry, who approaches from right and is accompanied by the female allegory of Progress. Augustin 154. Wurzbach 2497. Tiny die breaks and edge nicks, otherwise, good extremely fine.

From an American collection of World medals.

This medal was part of a series designed by C. Tautenhayn and K. Schwenzer for the Vienna World Exhibition in 1873. It issued in a five medal set alongside the medals to 'the Merits', 'the Employees', for 'the Arts' and 'great Taste'.
25 CHF
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